Business Intelligence And Data Warehousing Software Directory

Teradata express

Details: Teradata Express Edition is a free developer version of Teradata Software for Evaluation and Development, testing and learning. It is a fully featured installation of teradata.
The product can be downloaded directly from the webpage or ordered on a DVD. A free registration required.

The Teradata Express Edition package contains:
  • Teradata Database - a full version optimized for PC or laptop use
  • Teradata Tools and Utilities (TTU) tools for database management, administration, Application Programming Interfaces, Language Preprocessors, Data Loading - FastLoad, MultiLoad, FastExport, TPump, Teradata Parallel Transporter, Teradata Replication Solutions and Basic Teradata Query facility (BTEQ), Teradata Meta Data Services (MDS) and the Teradata Gateway for Java and CGI
  • Teradata Warehouse Miner - which provides an array of data profiling and mining functions
  • Teradata User Documentation
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