Business Intelligence And Data Warehousing Software Directory

Pentaho Dashboard Documentation

Details: Pentaho BI Server Documentation page provides the latest Pentaho Documentation and how to documents on the installation and configuration of Pentaho. The dashboard provides a great number of Pentaho informational documents, including installation guides, configuration manuals, video tutorials and solutions overview.

We recommended reading the following documents in order to get to know Pentaho BI suite:
  • Pentaho Dashboard Building - describes how to create dashboards using the Pentaho BI Suite and documents the sample dashboard provided with the Pentaho Demo server
  • Charting in the Pentaho BI Suite - overview of Action Sequences and Pentaho Reports, dashboard and portlet charts, pentaho analysis charting
  • Creating Pentaho Solutions - a guide which illustrates the philosophy and tools for creating solutions to business problems using the Pentaho Business Intelligence Platform
  • Developing a Portal Dashboard using a Filter Panel
  • Getting Started with the Pentaho BI Platform - article for evaluators who want to get the Pentaho BI Platform up and running as a preconfigured demo. It helps review the Pentaho platform functionality bothe for the business or technical professionals.
  • Integrating BIRT and Jasper - the guide demonstrates how to use Pentaho to run Birt and Jasper reports.
  • Publishing an Analysis Schema Using Schema Workbench
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