Business Intelligence Articles

1keydata Business Intelligence
1keydata Business Intelligence1keydata Data warehousing portal aims to help people get a good high-level understanding of what it takes to implement a successful data warehouse project. A lot of the information comes from authors personal experience as a business intelligence...
BI Tools Selection
BI Tools SelectionThe Business Intelligence selection tools section lists the different types of BI tools and the selection criteria for each. Articles are divided into the following logical chapters: General considerations - buy vs build, vendor selection, support,...
Bitpipe research guide
Bitpipe research guideBITPIPE research guide about Business Intelligence with free detailed reports on Business Intelligence Software. Contains vendor reports on BI applications, White Papers, product literature, webcasts and Case...
BI Best Practices
BI Best PracticesBusiness Intelligence Best Practices is a collaborative and interactive forum for the business intelligence and data warehousing community to support and foster growth within the industry. The most interesting module of the website is Best practices...
Business Intelligence Articles
Business Intelligence ArticlesA Business Intelligence resource portal with many interesting articles, white papers, research results and industry news. Users can find information about all BI technologies on the market, especially Cognos, Sas and Oracle. There are interesting articles...

Oracle buys Hyperion
Oracle buys HyperionAn article about the purchase of Hyperion by Oracle (the world's third-largest software company) and the impact of that transaction on the performance of Oracle...
Best Practices for Business Intelligence Tool Selection
Best Practices for Business Intelligence Tool SelectionThe Business Intelligence Tool Selection best practices article outlines the most significant tasks in the selection of BI strategy. This article outlines a streamlined process with a proven set of best practices that mitigate business risk and reduce the...
Information Week (Intelligent Enterprise)
Information Week (Intelligent Enterprise)Intelligent Enterprise is the online authority for business intelligence, enterprise applications, information management, performance management and process management news and analysis as well as opinion through a lineup of related...
Recommended books on business intelligence
Recommended books on business intelligenceThe kJube webpage provides a thoroughly selected list of recommended books on business intelligence related subjects. It is organized into the following sections: Business Intelligence strategy - KPI development and the balanced scorecard Business...
Business Intelligence dashboard
Business Intelligence dashboardThe Business Intelligence Dashboards portal provdes a number of articles covering various aspects of Management Cockpits, Metrics, KPIs, visualizations and balanced scorecards. It is a knowledge base for both business and technical users which guides them...
Cognos BI
Cognos BIThe Cognos BI portal is addressed to both business and technical users. Cognos BI Info provides technical cognos tutorials and FAQs as well as business guides for end-users. It includes cognos 7 and cognos 8 comparison and provides information on specific...

BI DW related