Pentaho Tutorial
Pentaho OSBI technical tutorial. It contains an overview of the Pentaho Open Source Business Intelligence platform, a guide on Mondrian OLAP server installation and setup, use of JPivot and ETL processes design in Pentaho Data Integration. The tutorial is...
MySQL and Pentaho samples
The MySQL Samples For Pentaho tutorial shows how to use MySQL to leverage functionality offered by Pentaho. The sample guide shows how to implement reporting, ETL process, analytics and graphing in the MySQL - Pentaho environment. The preconfigured demo...
Dashboard Building
The tutorial shows how to create dashboards using the Pentaho BI Suite. It describes the sample dashboard provided with the Pentaho Demo server (it works both in JSP and PHP forms). It shows how to create a sample dashboard, uncovers the Dashboard JSP,...
Practical Example of Data Transformation Using Kettle
A great Pentaho Data Integration (Kettle) tutorial which shows a real life example of ETL process for an entertainment vendor. It illustrates how to deal with a set of flat, tab delimited files, in a not user-friendly format and load them into a data...
Pentaho Dashboard Documentation
Pentaho BI Server Documentation page provides the latest Pentaho Documentation and how to documents on the installation and configuration of Pentaho. The dashboard provides a great number of Pentaho informational documents, including installation guides,...
Starring Sakila - Datawarehousing mini tutorial
This site provides a recording of a webinar Roland Bouman gave for MySQL University. In this 1 hour presentation, he demonstrates how to use the popular MySQL Sakila sample database and create a star schema out of it using Pentaho Data Integration. Slides,...