Comparison of the Teradata loading utilities
The article contains comparison and main features of the data loading tools provided by Teradata. The tutorial illustrates main features of Teradata Multiload , FastLoad and TPump (Parallel Data Pump) and provides sample real-life uses of those tools.
Scroll down for the sample scripts which illustrate different ways to load a sample fixed-length extract into a Teradata database using FastLoad, MultiLoad and Parallel Data Pump (TPump).
Teradata Fast Load
Teradata Multi Load
Teradata Parallel Data Pump (TPump)
Teradata FastLoad example
The following script attached below will load a sample fixed-length columns extract into a Teradata database using FastLoad.Use the following command to run load the ggclients.fastload file using Teradata FastLoad script:
fastload < ggclients.fastload
Contents of a ggclients.fastload script:
SESSIONS 4; ERRLIMIT 25; logon tdpid/username,password; create table gg_cli ( wh_cust_no integer not null, cust_name varchar(200), bal_amt decimal(15,3) format ‘ZZZ,ZZ9.999’ ) unique primary index( wh_cust_no ) ; SET RECORD UNFORMATTED; define wh_cust_no(char(10)), delim1(char(1)), cust_name(char(200)), delim2(char(1)), bal_amt(char(18)), delim3(char(1)) newlinechar(char(1)) file=insert.input; SHOW; BEGIN LOADING gg_cli errorfiles error_1, error_2; insert into gg_cli ( :wh_cust_no, :cust_name, :bal_amt ); END LOADING; logoff;
Teradata MultiLoad example
The following script attached below will load a sample fixed-length columns extract into a Teradata database using MultiLoad.Use the following command to run load the ggclients.mload file using Teradata FastLoad script:
mload < ggclients.mload
Contents of a ggclients.mload mload script:
.logtable inslogtable; .logon tdpid/username,password; create table gg_cli ( wh_cust_no integer not null, cust_name varchar(200), bal_amt decimal(15,3) format ‘ZZZ,ZZ9.999’ ) unique primary index( wh_cust_no ) ; .BEGIN IMPORT MLOAD tables gg_cli; .layout ggclilayout; .field wh_cust_no 1 char(10); .field cust_name 12 char(200); .field bal_amt 213 char(18); .dml label insertclidml; insert into gg_cli.*; .import infile insert.input format text layout ggclilayout apply insertclidml; .END MLOAD; .logoff;
Teradata TPump example
The sample script attached below loads a sample fixed-length columns extract into a Teradata database using Parallel Data Pump - Teradata TPump.
Contents of a ggclients.tpump script:
.logtable tpumplogtable; .logon tdpid/username,password; .BEGIN LOAD SESSION 4; .layout ggclilayout; .field wh_cust_no 1 char(10); .field cust_name 12 char(200); .field bal_amt 213 char(18); .dml label insertclidml; insert into gg_cli.*; .IMPORT INFILE insert.input layout ggclilayout apply insertclidml; .END LOAD; .logoff;